Once you have your merchant account, you may want to consider adding wireless credit card processing capabilities.
Also known as mobile commerce, or ecommerce, wireless card processing can provide you with the capability to accept credit cards anywhere you might be (for example, while on a sales visit to a customer's office, or, if you have a real-time wireless terminal, while on the phone with a customer while out of town).
As well, if your retail terminal or your computer is tied up, you can use the wireless option to supplement these other processing systems.
Businesses in certain "mobile" industries may find wireless credit card processing particularly appealing. These might include those involved in home delivery or home maintenance services, towing companies, food delivery, transportation services, etc.
With mobile commerce, there is no need for phone or electrical outlets, and transactions typically take only a few seconds to complete. Note: You may however need a wireless service provider such as Cingular or US Wireless Data. Ask your wireless credit card processing service for details.
Wireless credit card processing terminals are available in retail form (to swipe cards) or for real-time card absent transactions.
Below are five top vendors of wireless credit card processing services that will provide you with the hardware you will need to allow mobile processing of credit card orders.
Please keep in mind the issues discussed in The Nine Minute Tutorial concerning how to select the best provider for your particular needs.
All fees quoted below are as of January 31, 2005. As fees are revised from time to time, be sure to check their websites and to speak with their representatives to ensure the fees mentioned here are still up-to-date. Discount fees quoted are for VISA and MasterCard. Contact the wireless credit card processing providers for rates for other card issuers.
Total Merchant Services
Total Merchant Services provides you with a FREE Nurit 8000 wireless terminal, including a thermal printer, a touch screen, built-in PIN Pad, EMV smart card reader and 12 hour battery and charger.
No application, setup, programming or annual fees. Free terminal upgrades should your terminal ever become outdated.
Discount Rate: 1.65%
Transaction Fee: 20 cents
Monthly Statement Fee: $7.50
Monthly Service Fee: $19.95
Nurit 8000 wireless terminal is free
To check out their website:
Total Merchant Services
The Transaction Group
The Transaction Group brings the best-of-breed, secure mobile payment processing technology to the mobile merchant and trade professional at an affordable price point (for under $700.00 per unit, with warranty, wireless printer and cell phone all included in the equipment package bundle). The TransAKT Model T1 and Model T4 are secure, mobile payment processing units that allow the mobile merchant and trade professional to accept and process all forms of major credit card and paper checks at their point-of-service or job site. In many cases the savings can be substantial and fraud and risk reduction lowered greatly, including the ability to verify paper checks at the point-of-service or job site as well as process all major credit cards.
Both models work with existing wireless technology. The Model T1 is a CDMA unit that incorporates a Motorola StarTAC cellular phone and operates on the Sprint PCS, Verizon Wireless and other CDMA wireless networks. The Model T4 utilizes iDEN wireless technology and operates on the Nextel Communication network via a Motorola i58 or i88 cellular phone. Because the products work directly with major merchant processing companies that process on the Vital platform, there are no additional network or processing fees associated with the mobile payment processing solutions, other than the normal fees contracted with the merchant processor and the wireless providers monthly cellular service fees.
To check out their website:
The Transaction Group
AmeriMerchant can provide a wireless credit card processing solution that will allow you to process credit cards from just about anywhere.
It features the latest wireless credit card terminals and wireless credit card processing software and its software allows you to process from a PALM Pilot handheld device.
Wireless Terminal: Nurit 3010
The Nurit 3010 is the latest in wireless credit card terminals.
AmeriMerchant offers nationwide wireless coverage and is capable of processing credit cards, T&E charge cards, debit, ebt, checks (verification, guarantee, or truncation), pre-paid cards, loyalty cards, SmartCards (chip based) and private label or proprietary cards.
AmeriMerchant offers competitive pricing for the purchase or lease of this terminal.
Wireless Software: Airpay by Authorize.net
AirPay is a software application that will run on almost any handheld PDA (personal digital assistant) device, allowing you to process credit card sales from any location with access to wireless service.
With AirPay, credit cards can be authorized, charged or credited without a traditional swipe terminal or conventional Internet connection.
In addition, merchants can view Authorize.net reports from a wireless PDA. This service works in conjunction with an Authorize.net account using the merchant's existing login ID and password.
Authorize.net features such as FraudScreen.net and AVS filtering are available for AirPay transactions.
AirPay works on most PDAs with a Palm OS that have wireless connectivity.
Officially supported devices include: Palm VIIx, Palm V with a wireless modem, and Palm Vx with a wireless modem
To check out their website:
Free Credit Card Processing
Accept credit cards anytime, anywhere with the Comstar Mobile Merchant.
Comstar is a wireless credit card processing solution that is easy to use, affordable and allows businesses to accept credit cards virtually anywhere at anytime.
The Comstar package combines a magnetic credit card reader with the popular BlackBerry class RIM 850/950 Wireless Handheld to create a compact, rugged and mobile device. The Gateway connects customers in seconds with credit card processors for rapid authorizations, and processes data for real-time use with the Web-based transaction management system.
Save up to 1% in processing fees by swiping card transactions. Its 5 - 7 second approval speed is faster than terminals. Weighs less than 9 ounces.
To check out their website:
Free Credit Card Processing
CardService International
Cardservice International is a global leader in providing secure credit card transaction to more than 185,000 businesses in both the traditional and Internet marketplaces. You can download a free copy of their Merchant Account Buyers Guide to help you make intelligent choices when selecting the best Merchant Account Provider for your business.
The LinkPoint 9100 wireless mobile terminal enables merchants to conduct business anywhere, any time. Reliable, durable and versatile, it comes with a rechargeable battery-operated terminal base to meet the electronic payment requirements of any merchant:
both a wireless and a dial-up modem, the LinkPoint 9100 is a full-featured, mobile handheld terminal for point-of-sale card transactions. With speedy printing capabilities (eight lines per second) and rapid paper changes.
features a high-capacity four-cell battery with a unique cartridge design and a quick release door mechanism for fast and easy battery changes
with both magnetic stripe card and optional smart-card readers, this terminal is ideal for mobile retail merchants who need flexible payment methods to maintain and develop their customer base in today’s competitive market.
supports up to four SAM Smart Card modules, as well as a full-sized customer smart card. It has a secure PIN pad that supports debit card transactions.
eliminates the need for a separate printer, so it’s ideal as a desktop point-of-sale unit where space considerations are at a premium.
Discount Rate: 1.69%; Transaction Fee: 35 cents; Monthly Statement Fee: Free Online; Monthly Service Fee: $10.00; Hardware Cost: $1,395.00 or $49.95/month lease (48 months).
At their website, click on "Terminals" to take you to the Wireless Section.
As was stressed in The Nine Minute Tutorial when dealing with selecting a merchant account provider, please be very sure to read the contract for these services before signing up. Make certain you are fully aware of all the costs and terms that apply to the wireless credit card processing service you choose.