High volume merchant accounts pose a special problem to merchant account providers, the credit card processing services - and to the merchants themselves.
The sheer volume of transactions to be processed through high volume merchant accounts requires a processing system that can handle the heavy requirements for speed, security, uninterrupted service, scalability, fraud prevention and customer support. |
Four of the very best providers of High Volume Merchant Accounts are discussed below.
As referred to above, the issues that need to be addressed with respect to high volume merchant accounts are:
Speed: Of primary importance, due to the heavy traffic that needs to pass through the transaction process, is speed. Online merchants cannot afford to have their real-time customers sitting impatiently in front of their computers waiting in a queue for their individual transaction to be processed.
Providers of high volume merchant accounts can resolve the speed issue by utilizing a multi-tiered database, where one tier is reserved exclusively for the real-time processing of credit card transactions, with a second tier used to deal with less time-sensitive functions, such as running daily batch settlement reports.
Security: The data provided by customers must be secure from interception, modification, loss and repudiation.
These possible security breaches can be addressed through a variety of preventative measures, including the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), audit logs, encryption before storage, physically secure theft and fire-proof premises, intrusion detection systems and virus detection.
Uninterrupted Service: Another key component for businesses with high volume merchant accounts is uninterrupted service - every minute or hour lost due to downtime means lost and potentially unrecoverable revenue.
The provider must reduce as far as possible the prospects for physical outages of the processing system due to external causes, as well as hardware and software failures within its systems.
Scalability: By scalability we mean the ability for a credit card processing system to accommodate a merchant's increasing processing needs over time. Scalability can be maximized through adding additional resources to increase, as may be required, system memory, bandwidth and processing equipment.
But it is important, if you project that your business will experience rapid growth in the future, to ensure that not only can your merchant account provider meet your need for higher processing volumes, but that it can do so in a manner that has little or no negative effects on service availability - both for you and for the other businesses it services.
Fraud Prevention: The higher your transaction volume, the greater your risk of fraud. Fraud can affect your business in many ways - and not merely through the obvious but important issue of chargeback fees. For example, the higher you set the thresholds for your acceptance of a customer's order (because of your concern for fraudulent orders), the more legitimate orders and revenue you will be rejecting. As well, the higher the incidence of fraud, the more time your staff will have to be spend both in dealing with chargebacks and assessing fraud risks.
Providers of high volume merchant accounts should have the experience necessary to help your business reduce the incidences of fraud, through individual transaction monitoring and assessment capabilities.
Customer Support: Unlike traditional retail customers, Internet users make online purchases 24 hours a day. So the provider should have a customer support service that is operational at all times, with live human beings to respond to problems.
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Obviously there is a lot to consider when reviewing and analyzing providers of high volume merchant accounts.
Below, The Merchant Account Advisor discusses four such High Risk providers:
GoldenState High Risk Gateway
If you operate a high-volume or high-risk business, and cannot find the right merchant service for your needs, The Goldenstate Group can offer the perfect solution. Their high-risk department specializes in merchant accounts for businesses like yours. They are able to offer the same high quality service to all of their customers, without regard to the type of business - and no matter what country you operate from.
They also offer the best rates, so you might consider switching your current high risk merchant account to them.
With their extensive industry experience and solid banking relationships, they can service up to 99.9% of high-risk customers with fast set-up time, training and support.
They will find the right solution for your particular business. You can begin by completing the simple no-obligation application on their website - it's an easy way to let The Goldenstate Bankcard Group get to know more about both you and your business.
To check out their website:
GoldenState High Risk Gateway
MerchantProcessor.com, Inc.
The MerchantProcessor.com Services, Inc. offers several options for a merchant who processes high volumes in credit card sales. If you have a bankruptcy, tax liens, are on the V/MC TMF file list, live outside the U.S. or own a high risk business like gambling,they can still help you with your payment processing needs. With their special programs, they can guarantee that you will not have any chargeback issues or risk management problems.
The MerchantProcessor.com, Inc. can help you receive an account with low processing fees, guaranteed. You can email or call them from their website. Setup can be within 24 hours. Transfer funds, pay employees and accept credit cards from the same account in 13 different currencies.
Please be advised that they do not work with adult web sites. They will also not work with a business type where the products or services are illegal in your country. These are the only businesses they do not work with to get approved for payment processing.
Here are a few examples of businesses that they work with on a regular basis.
Internet Pharmacies
Telemarketing inbound and outbound
Credit repair services
Time Shares world wide
Travel and etc.
To check out their website:
MerchantProcessor.com, Inc.
HighriskCC offers a comprehensive solution for high volume/high risk merchants that includes everything you need to start accepting card payments:
Features include:
Internet merchant account + secure payment gateway. |
Account setup fees starting at just $95/£50. |
Corporate account option which affords the merchant total control of the payment process.
Highly effective fraud prevention featuring advanced geo-location data scoring. |
Flexible approach to risk management
Fast reliable payment gateway.
Low rates, fast professional friendly service.
Acceptance criteria are as follows:
You must have a European Union corporation (HighRiskCC can assist non-EU merchants with this easy two-day process for as little as $125US) . |
Minimum sales volume of $5,000 per month (90 day grace period for startups) . |
No adult, travel or legally dubious merchants. |
Application requires prepayment of the small setup fee, which will be promptly refunded if the application is not accepted.
To check out their website:
High Risk Provider Merchant Services is one of the country's fastest growing credit card merchant account providers. Merchants with monthly card processing volumes exceeding $10,000 (and who are not on its prohibited list of businesses) can receive one of their high volume merchant accounts by providing either
evidence of a good established credit history
financial statements or tax returns
current credit card processing statements.
High Risk Provider Merchant Services can handle a variety of high volume merchant accounts, including internet, mail order, telephone order, retail and wireless processing solutions; their fees are reasonable; and the application process is usually completed within a few days.
To check out their website:
High Risk Provider Merchant Services
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