Take Your Choice!
A Free Credit Card Processing Terminal or
Free Credit Card Processing Software
(a $495 Value)
Why Buy, Lease or Rent when Free Credit Card Processing will give you a Credit Card Processing Terminal or Credit Card Processing Software for FREE. That’s right. FREE. Most of our competitors offer the exact same terminals or software and charge you hundreds of dollars for these, or even make you sign a 3-4 year non-cancelable lease that will end up costing you thousands of dollars.
Click here to apply for Free Credit Card Processing and Merchant Accounts!
Free Credit Card Processing will help you get approved for your own merchant account. Merchant Accounts allow you to accept the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and even Online Checks.
The founders of Free Credit Card Processing are specialists in credit card processing and have been responsible for the signing of over 50,000 small and medium sized merchants who PAID for the same Credit Card Processing Terminal or Credit Card Processing Software we are now able to offer to you for FREE.
To qualify for the FREE Credit Card Processing Terminal or FREE Credit Card Processing Software, which can be used from any computer with Internet Access or Wireless Palm Pilot, you must obtain a merchant account through our company and agree to stay processing with us for a minimum of 1 year, and:
- be a Legitimate Business located within the US or Canada
- have a Business checking account or Personal Account for Sole Proprietors
- be 18 years of age, not in a current open - bankruptcy and live within the United States.
- ensure your business is not on our Restricted List
Since every business is unique, we will provide you with a personalized phone consultation to help you obtain your merchant account and decide which is the best way for you to process your credit card transactions.
No More Paypal! No Start Up Costs!
Use Pay-Me-Now on your Palm Pilot!!